Fat dissolving injections are known as Aqualyx and are based on deoxycholic acid. Your body naturally has it. It is an active ingredient used to target fat cells to trigger emulsification. Those unwanted fat cells will dissolve once the component is in your tissue. Your liver and lymphatic system will help you eliminate them.

They are a safe treatment that can help you eliminate unwanted wobbly body parts. Fat dissolving injections are effective because they attack the fat deposit by breaking the cells and removing the acids through the liver.


The treatment comes with a lot of advantages for people who want to get rid of fat pockets.

a great alternative for those who can not get rid of fat deposits with diet and exercise

a non-surgical treatment

long-lasting results

results can be observed after one or two sessions

does not require any recovery time


As with all treatments that involve needles, the injections may sting for a few seconds, but generally, pain is minimal. We also always offer the option of applying a topical numbing agent to the treatment area to minimise discomfort. Side effects are rare.

You may experience swelling, bruising, itching, pain, sensitivity to pressure and excessive warmth at the injection site however, this is usually resolved within three to five days.


Adipocytes or fat cells are broken down with the use of sodium deoxycholate solution. This causes a localised inflammatory response from the body. The inflammatory response is vital and allows the destroyed fat cells to be removed and excreted via the kidneys. We will clean the area to be treated, mark out a grid using a washable pen. An ice pack will be applied to help to numb the area. We use a very fine needle which will be changed during the treatment keep the discomfort at a minimum. The solution will be injected directly in to the area - no massage or rubbing is required.





From £99

30-45 mins



One Week